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Oct 8, 2024, 15:40:04 PM4 months ago

Plugin to manage product availability in medusa

Table of Contents



  • Run the following command to install
yarn add medusa-customizable-product-availability
  • Add the plugin in your medusa plugin list to load it Open the Copy to clipboardmedusa-config.js locate the Copy to clipboardplugins variable and add these lines
const plugins = [
// ...
resolve: "medusa-customizable-product-availability",
options: {
enableUI: true, // load the admin part of the plugin
  • Run migrations
npx medusa migrations run

Admin Panel

In the sidebar of the admin area, you'll find a Copy to clipboardAvailabilities menu, which allows you to access the availability management area.

Store API References

Retrieve list of availabilities

Copy to clipboardGETstore/availabilities
Query parameters
nametypedata typedescription
pageoptionalnumberThe current page of the list. The default is Copy to clipboard0
limitoptionalnumberThe size of the result
| forProduct | optional | string | Allow to filter and only get availabilities related to a product. Copy to clipboardforProduct must be the id of the product |
| http code | content-type | response |
| Copy to clipboard200 | Copy to clipboardapplication/json | GetAvailabilitiesResponseType |

Get Availability By ID

Copy to clipboardGETstore/availabilities/{availabilityId}
| http code | content-type | response |
| Copy to clipboard200 | Copy to clipboardapplication/json | GetAvailabilityResponseType |

Check if a product is available on an availability

Copy to clipboardGETproducts/{productId}/is-available-on
Route parameters
| name | type | data type | description |
| productId | require | string | The ID of the product whose availability you wish to check |
Query parameters
| name | type | data type | description |
| availabilityId | required | string | The ID of the availability to be checked. |
| http code | content-type | response |
| Copy to clipboard200 | Copy to clipboardapplication/json | CheckProductAvailableOnAvailabilityResult |

Retrieve product availabilities for an availability

Copy to clipboardGETstore/availabilities/{availabilityId}/products-availabilities
Route parameters
  • Copy to clipboardavailabilityId the id of the availability
| http code | content-type | response |
| Copy to clipboard200 | Copy to clipboardapplication/json | GetAvailabilityProductAvailabilitiesResponseType |

Set availability on a cart

Copy to clipboardPOSTstore/carts/{cartId}/set-availability
Route parameters
  • Copy to clipboardcartId the cart identifier on which you wish to define availability
Request body
Must be a JSON object. Ensure that the Copy to clipboardContent-Type header is set Copy to clipboardapplication/json
| property | description |
| availabilityId | The id of the availability |
| http code | content-type | response |
| Copy to clipboard200 | Copy to clipboardapplication/json | GetAvailabilityProductAvailabilitiesResponseType |

Verify if the cart items match the availability

This endpoint allows you to check whether the cart meets the availability conditions defined.
Copy to clipboardGETstore/carts/{cartId}/verify-if-matches-availability
Route parameters
  • Copy to clipboardcartId the cart identifier on which you wish to define availability
http codecontent-typeresponse
Copy to clipboard200Copy to clipboardapplication/jsonAPIOperationResponseType
| Copy to clipboard400 | Copy to clipboardapplication/json | Reed more on cart validation error reference |



export interface GetAvailabilitiesResponseType {
data: GetAvailabilitiesResponseData;
export interface GetAvailabilitiesResponseData {
availabilities: Omit<Availability, "availabilityProducts">[];
totalCount: number;


export interface GetAvailabilityResponseType {
data: Omit<Availability, "availabilityProducts">;


export interface CheckProductAvailableOnAvailabilityResult {
data: {
exists: boolean;


export interface GetAvailabilityProductAvailabilitiesResponseType {
data: AvailabilityProduct[];


export interface APIOperationResponseType {
data: {
success: boolean;


export interface Availability {
id: string;
created_at: Date;
updated_at: Date;
status: string;
date: Date;
availabilityProducts: AvailabilityProduct[];
export interface AvailabilityProduct {
id: string;
created_at: Date;
updated_at: Date;
quantity: number;
product: Product; // medusa product

Cart validation error reference

The errors listed here are those related to the validation of the cart in relation to the defined availability. The validation of the cart is done while completing it.
When a validation error is triggered, the HTTP code of the response is Copy to clipboard422. And the response is in the form of
enum CartValidationErrorCode {
type ErrorResponse {
message: string;
code: CartValidationErrorCode;
payload?: object;
The Copy to clipboardpayload property provides more information about the error, which can be used to provide more edifying information to the user. This property can vary depending on the error.
Error codes details
  • Copy to clipboardAVAILABILITY_EXPIRED the date defined on the availability is passed
  • Copy to clipboardAVAILABILITY_INACTIVE the availability is disabled by the admin
  • Copy to clipboardAVAILABILITY_NOT_SET_ON_CART you don't define an availability on the cart you are trying to complete. See how here
  • Copy to clipboardPRODUCT_NOT_AVAILABLE_ON_AVAILABILITY a product of the cart is not defined as available on the availability defined on the cart In this case the payload is in this form
type Payload = {
productTitle: string; // the title of the product
  • Copy to clipboardPRODUCT_NO_LONGER_AVAILABLE_ON_AVAILABILITY the availability quantity defined for the product is out of stock. The payload is in same type as Copy to clipboardPRODUCT_NOT_AVAILABLE_ON_AVAILABILITY error.
  • Copy to clipboardAVAILABLE_QUANTITY_EXCEEDED the quantity of products requested for purchase is less than the quantity available according to availability. In this case the payload look like this
type Payload = {
availableQuantity: number; // the now available quantity,
productTitle: string; // the title of the product

Env variables

| name | value type | description |
| Copy to clipboardAVAILABILITY_VALIDATION_TIMEZONE | Timezone | The timezone that will be used to validate availability date. |

Start the project for contribution

Create environment file

Run the following command to create the environment from example file
cp .env.template .env
You can keep the environment variables value if you are going to use the provided docker compose

Setup medusa

Before you start medusa setup ensure that you start the database with the following command
docker compose up

Run migration

Run the following command to apply migrations
yarn medusa migrations run

Side you database

yarn seed

Create user

npx medusa user -e some@email.com -p some-password

Start medusa

yarn dev

Build your own plugins

Develop your own plugins with our API to speed up your processes.

Make your plugin available via npm for it to be shared in our Plugin Library with the broader Medusa community.