
July 5, 2022·Community

How to Create an Ecommerce Store with Medusa & Vue Storefront UI

Rose Chege

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Rose Chege

Learn how to create a Vue.js ecommerce store with Medusa and Vue Storefront UI for your front-end components.

How to Create an Ecommerce Store with Medusa & Vue Storefront UI - Featured image

Notice Medusa is under active development, so the content of this post may be outdated. Please check out our documentation instead.

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Medusa is a rising ecommerce platform that fits all businesses. Medusa is an open source composable ecommerce platform with easy customizations and integrations. Medusa comes with a lot of ecommerce features that provide flexibility to both merchants and developers.

Having a headless architecture, Medusa’s frontend and backend are decoupled. This gives developers the freedom to choose what frontend framework or tool they use to build their storefront.

One option is using the Vue Storefront UI. It provides out-of-the-box customizable and performance-oriented components. You can use them in a Nuxt.js project to build stunning modern online stores.

In this article, you’ll learn how to use Vue Storefront UI to build a storefront for your Medusa server. You can find the full code of the storefront on this GitHub repository.



To follow along with this guide, it's essential to have Node.js installed on your machine with at least version 14.

Set Up the Medusa Server

To create the Medusa server, you need the Medusa CLI tool. Run the following command to install it:

npm install @medusajs/medusa-cli -g

Then, run the following command to create the Medusa server:

medusa new local-medusa-server --seed

The Copy to clipboard--seed command populates an SQLite database with some test data once the setup is done.

Then, change to the newly created directory and start your medusa server:

cd local-medusa-server && medusa develop

To test if the server is working, open Copy to clipboardhttp://localhost:9000/store/products in your browser. You should get a similar response as below:

Finally, it’s recommended to install a storage plugin to add products. You can use MinIO, S3, or Spaces.

Install Medusa Admin

Medusa provides a prebuilt admin dashboard that assists you in configuring and managing the products you have in your store. However, this is a complete optionally set up that you can choose to use in this tutorial.

To install the Medusa admin, open a new directory and run the following command:

git clone medusa-admin

Once the installation process is done, change to the newly created directory Copy to clipboardmedusa-admin and install the dependencies with NPM:

cd medusa-admin && npm install

Make sure the Medusa server is still running. Then, run the Medusa admin with the following command:

npm start

You can now access Medusa admin on Copy to clipboardhttp://localhost:7000/. If you seeded your database with demo data using the Copy to clipboard--seed option when you created your Medusa admin, you can log in using the email Copy to and password Copy to clipboardsupersecret. Otherwise, you can use the Copy to clipboard[user command provided by the Medusa CLI tool](

After logging in, navigate to the Products menu. You can add a few products from here by clicking on “New Product” at the top right.


In the form, you can specify many information related to the product such as name, handle, description, weight, and more.


To learn more about the features in the Medusa admin, check out the documentation.

Setting up the Nuxt.js Storefront

In a different directory than the previous directories, run the following command to create a Nuxt.js website:

npx create-nuxt-app nuxtjs-storefront

You’ll be asked a few questions. You can answer as instructed in the image below:


Feel free to change the package manager to either NPM or Yarn based on your preference.

When the installation process is done, proceed to the newly created folder:

cd nuxtjs-storefront

Connect the Vue Storefront to the Medusa Server

To start off, you need to install the Axios package. Axios is an HTTP package for making requests. Axios will process the requests between the Medusa server and the Storefront.

Run the following command to install it in the Copy to clipboardnuxtjs-storefront directory:

npm i -s axios

After the installation is done, you need to configure the Nuxt.js storefront to use the Copy to clipboard8000 port. This is because the Medusa server uses CORS to ensure only defined hosts access the server and the default port expected for the storefront is Copy to clipboard8000. You can learn more about it in Medusa’s documentation.

Add the following line after the Copy to clipboardssr key in the Copy to clipboardnuxt.config.js file:

export default {
ssr: false,
server: {
port: 8000

Next, you need to add the URL to the Medusa server as an environment variable.

Start by installing the Copy to clipboarddotenv module:

npm install @nuxtjs/dotenv

Then, register the installed Copy to clipboarddotenv module inCopy to clipboardnuxt.config.js file in the Copy to clipboardbuildModules array:

buildModules: [

Finally, create a Copy to clipboard.env file at the root of your project directory and add your server URL as an environment variable:


Install Vue Storefront UI

This tutorial uses Vue Storefront UI. This means you don’t have to create components from scratch and can use the ready-made components provided by Vue Storefront UI.

In the Copy to clipboardnuxtjs-storefront directory, run the following command to install Vue Storefront UI:

npm install --save @storefront-ui/vue

Set up components and layout

The Vue app will have the following components:

  • Navbar: Used to display the logo and links in the header of the website
  • ProductCard: Used to display short information about the product.
  • Footer: Used to display helpful links to customers.

Create the Navbar component

To create the Navbar component, create a file at Copy to clipboardcomponents/App/Navbar.vue with the following content:

<SfHeader :logo="shopLogo" :title="shopName" active-icon="account">
<template #navigation>
<SfHeaderNavigationItemv v-for="(category, key) in navbarLinks" :key="`sf-header-navigation-item-${key}`"
:link="`${}`" :label="category.title" />
import {
} from "@storefront-ui/vue";
export default {
name: "Default",
components: {
data() {
return {
shopName: "My Storefront App",

This is a basic component that defines the navigation of your page. The Vue Storefront UI provides a SfHeader component. Inside that component, you can add other internal navigation components such as Copy to clipboardSfHeaderNavigation and Copy to clipboardSfHeaderNavigationItem.

You can also pass the component props to customize it such as the title, logo, or icons in the navigation bar.

Make sure you add the Copy to clipboardlogo.svg file to be displayed in the navigation bar. The logo should be added to the Copy to clipboardstatic folder. If your logo has a different name, ensure you change that in the Copy to clipboardshopLogo property in the Copy to clipboarddata function.

Create the Footer component

Next, create the Copy to clipboardcomponents/App/Footer.vue file with the following content:

<SfFooterColumn v-for="(column, key) in footerColumns" :key="key" :title="column.title">
<SfListItem v-for="(menuItem, index) in column.items" :key="index">
<SfMenuItem :label="menuItem" />
import {
} from "@storefront-ui/vue";
export default {
name: "Default",
components: {

The Footer component just includes helpful links for your customer. The Vue Storefront UI library provides a predefined UI for footers using the SfFooter component.

Create the ProductCard component

Create the Copy to clipboardcomponents/ProductCard.vue file with the following content:

<SfProductCard :image="item.thumbnail" :imageWidth="216" :imageHeight="326" badgeLabel="" badgeColor=""
:title="item.title" :link="this.url" :linkTag="" :scoreRating="4" :reviewsCount="7" :maxRating="5"
:regularPrice="this.highestPrice.amount" :specialPrice="this.lowestPrice.amount" wishlistIcon="heart"
isInWishlistIcon="heart_fill" :isInWishlist="false" showAddToCartButton :isAddedToCart="false"
:addToCartDisabled="false" />

The product card uses the SfProductCard component provided by Vue Storefront UI to display a short summary of a product’s information including the title, price, and thumbnail.

Then, in the same file, add the following at the end of the file:

import { SfProductCard } from "@storefront-ui/vue"; // Import the components
export default {
props: {
item: {
type: Object,
return `/products/${}`; // Product page
lowestPrice() {
// Get the lowest price from the list of prices.
const lowestPrice = this.item.variants.reduce(
(acc, curr) => {

This script prepares the data to be displayed by the template. That includes formatting the price and URL of the component.

Create the Storefront Layout

To set up the layout, create the file Copy to clipboardlayouts/default.vue with the following content:

<app-navbar />
<div class="container">
<Nuxt />
<app-footer />
import "@storefront-ui/vue/styles.scss"; // vuestorefront UI styles.
export default {
name: 'DefaultLayout'

This will display the page with the default Vue Storefront UI layout.

Create Home Page

Under the Copy to clipboardpages directory, edit the Copy to clipboardindex.vue file to the following:

<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-12">
<SfHero class="hero" :slider-options="{ autoplay: false }">
v-for="(img, index) in heroes"
<div class="col-md-12">
<h4 class="text-center mt-5 mb-5">All Products</h4>

This fetches products from the Medusa server using Axios and displays them using the Copy to clipboardProductCard component you created earlier.

You also add a carousel using the SfHero component. It shows an automatic slider with buttons and text. Each slide is defined as a Copy to clipboardSfHeroItem component.

Test Home Page

To test out the home page, make sure the Medusa server is running and start the Nuxt.js development server:

npm run dev

Then, open Copy to clipboardhttp://localhost:8000 in a browser, you should see the home page with a carousel, products, and a footer.


Create a Single Product Page

In this section, you’ll create a single product page to display more details of a product.

To create a single product page, Create the file Copy to clipboardpages/products/_id.vue with the following content:

<div id="product">
<SfBreadcrumbs class="breadcrumbs desktop-only" :breadcrumbs="breadcrumbs" />
<p v-if="$fetchState.pending">Fetching Data...</p>
<p v-else-if="$fetchState.error">An error occurred :(</p>
<div v-else class="product">
<SfGallery :images="this.getImages" class="product__gallery" :image-width="422" :image-height="664"
:thumb-width="160" :thumb-height="160" :enableZoom="true"/>
<div class="product__info">
<div class="product__header">
<SfHeading :title="product.title" :level="1" class="sf-heading--no-underline sf-heading--left" />
<SfIcon icon="drag" size="42px" color="#E0E0E1" class="product__drag-icon smartphone-only" />
<div class="product__price-and-rating">
<SfPrice :regular="this.lowestPrice.amount" />
<p class="product__description desktop-only">{{ this.product.description }}

This page displays the following components from the Vue Storefront UI library:

  • SfBreadcrumbs - Displays the path to the current product.
  • SfGallery - Arranges product images that users can browse through with zoom-in functionality. Alternatively, you can use Carousel navigation to organize your product images.
  • SfHeading - Displays product titles and can have an optional description.
  • SfPrice - Display the product’s price.
  • SfAddToCart - Displays Add to Cart button with quantity options.
  • SfNotification - Displays notification at the bottom of the page that indicates the items are added to the cart. This component is only used to simulate adding a product to the cart but this is not covered in this tutorial.

Next, add the following at the end of the same file:

import { // UI components
} from "@storefront-ui/vue";
import Axios from "axios";
export default {
name: "Product",
components: {

This just imports the components used in the template, fetches the product’s information from the Medusa server, and formats the product’s information such as the price or URL before displaying them in the template.

Finally, add the following styling at the end of the same file:

<style lang="scss" scoped>
@import "~@storefront-ui/vue/styles";
#product {
box-sizing: border-box;
@include for-desktop {
max-width: 1272px;
padding: 0 var(--spacer-sm);
margin: 0 auto;
.product {
@include for-desktop {
display: flex;
&__info {
margin: var(--spacer-xs) auto;
@include for-desktop {
max-width: 32.625rem;
margin: 0 0 0 7.5rem;

Test Single Product Page

Make sure that both your Medusa server and Nuxt.js development servers are running. Then, go to Copy to clipboardlocalhost:8000 and click on a product on the home page. You’ll be redirected to the product’s page with more information about it.

If you click the Add to Cart button, you’ll see a notification at the bottom of the page indicating you added the product to the cart. As mentioned earlier, this is only used for simulation and does not actually add the product to the cart.



This tutorial only scratches the surface of what you can do with Medusa and Vue Storefront UI.

With Medusa, you can implement other ecommerce features in your storefront such:

Should you have any issues or questions related to Medusa, then feel free to reach out to the Medusa team via Discord.

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