Bring two poplar platforms together
Getting started
1yarn add medusa-plugin-whatsapp
Configure the sandbox webhook to point to http://yourserver/whatsapp/received
set the following environment variables. Please use production codes, Test codes don't work with the whatsapp sandbox
123456TWILIO_AUTH_SID= <your twilio auth code> // it begins with ACTWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN= <your twilio auth token>#### Only for testingTEST_SEND_NUMBER= <sandbox number>TEST_RECIEVER_NUMBER= <your sandbox member number>
in medusa-config.js
add to your plugins list
123456789101112///...other plugins{resolve:"medusa-plugin-whatsapp":{options:{account_sid: process.env.TWILIO_AUTH_SID,auth_token: process.env.TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN,whatsappHandlerInterface:"nameOftheHandlerService"}}}
the whatsapp handler service need to implement the interface - WhatsappHandlerInterface
eg :
12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940// please note you'll have to configure the message receive hooks in twilio to point to <Your server url>/whatsapp/receivedexport default class myService implements WhatsappHandlerInterface {whatsappHandler (container: MedusaContainer, body: T, activeSession: WhatsappSession):Promise<MessagingResponse>; {// your code to process the incoming message}// please note you'll have to configure the global conversation hooks in twilio to point to <Your server url>/whatsapp/preparewhatsappConversationPrehookHandler: (container: MedusaContainer,body: T,activeSession?: WhatsappSession) => Promise<| {body?: string;author?: string;attributes?: Record<string, string>;}| { friendly_name?: string }>{// your code to handle the incoming conversation message}similarly the conversation posthookhandler can be configured with the post hook in twilio pointing to <Your server url>/whatsapp/dowhatsappConversationPosthookHandler (container: MedusaContainer, body: T, activeSession?,WhatsappSession) => Promise<{body?: string;author?: string;attributes?: Record<string, string>;} | {friendly_name?: string;}>{// your code}}
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By sponsoring, you'll gain access to exclusive benefits and features, and you'll be making a difference in the developer community. Help us shape the future of this plugin by sponsoring today and will help facilitating more open source contributions from me.