Recap - April 2023

April 2023

Medusa Recap

Medusa gets better every week. Here’s the work we did over the past 10 weeks to streamline development and empower your digital commerce applications.

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Introducing modularized
commerce building blocks

Today we are unveiling a big change to Medusa's architecture with the introduction of the new Modules SDK. With this new tool we will make commerce logic, like our cart and product engines, available independently and with unprecedented flexibility.

Modularized commerce enables seamless integration with existing products, incremental adoption, and compatibility with any Node.js-supported infrastructure. Accelerate your development cycles and craft amazing experiences. Read about the new Modules SDK here.

Effortless multi-warehouse management

The new Inventory module streamlines inventory control across multiple locations, enhancing efficiency and order fulfillment.

Orders interface UI
Commerce infrastructure

New advanced tools for your commerce development

Enhance your Medusa experience with modular flexibility, impressive composability, and API documentation management.

Efficiently manage deep category trees with our nested categories feature.
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Complete redesign of our Docs

We redesigned and restructured our Docs for an improved developer experience

Browse Medusa’s plugin ecosystem

Our new plugin directory makes it easy to find the integrations and plugins you need.


Admin workflows

Medusa Admin now ships as a plugin to your Medusa server making development simpler. Soon you will be able to extend Admin effortlessly.

Admin Plugin

Simplify Medusa development and eliminate version mismatches with our npm-shipped admin plugin for seamless backend integration.

Global Sales

Extensible Admin (Coming soon)

We are adding extension areas to admin. No more need to fork the admin project.

Cart and checkout