



Last updated

May 8, 2024, 11:43:31 AM5 months ago


W.I.P. Shiprocket fulfillment plugin for MedusaJS
This plugin is inspired by Medusa's Official Webshipper Plugin


  • Shiprocket can be used as a shipping option during checkouts and for handling order fulfillment and returns.
  • Sync order details and updates with Shiprocket.
  • WIP: Listen to shipment status updates via webhooks
  • WIP: Shipment tracking endpoints


  • Medusa backend
  • Medusa admin
  • Shiprocket Account
  • You need to create one API User as mentioned in Shiprocket docs
  • NOTE: Shiprocket does not provide a development environment for testing. Any orders/shipments you create will affect your wallet and will be visible in your Shiprocket dashboard. Remember to cancel all test orders/shipments after your create them. You can do so via SR's Dashboard or Postman or Medusa Admin
  • To start testing, you will have to add some money to your Shiprocket Wallet.

How to Install

1. Run the following command in the directory of the Medusa backend:
npm install medusa-fulfillment-shiprocket
yarn add medusa-fulfillment-shiprocket
2. Set the following environment variables in Copy to clipboard.env:
3. In Copy to clipboardmedusa-config.js add the following at the end of the Copy to clipboardplugins array:
const plugins = [
// ...
resolve: `medusa-shiprocket-fulfillment`,
options: {
channel_id: process.env.SHIPROCKET_CHANNEL_ID, //(required)
email: process.env.SHIPROCKET_EMAIL, //(required)
password: process.env.SHIPROCKET_PASSWORD, //(required)
token: "", //(required. leave empty)
pricing: 'calculated', //"flat_rate" or "calculated" (required)
length_unit: 'cm', //"mm", "cm" or "inches" (required)
multiple_items: 'split_shipment', //"single_shipment" or "split_shipment"(default) (required)
inventory_sync: false, //true or false(default) (required)
forward_action: 'create_order', //'create_fulfillment' or 'create_order'(default) (required)
return_action: 'create_order', //'create_fulfillment' or 'create_order'(default) (required)

Test the Plugin

1. Run the following command in the directory of the Medusa backend to run the backend:
npm run start
2. Enable the fulfillment provider in the Admin. You can refer to this User Guide to learn how to do that. Alternatively, you can use the Admin APIs.
3. Place an order using a storefront or the Store APIs. You should be able to use the shiprocket fulfillment provider during checkout.
4. Create a fulfillment using Admin. Medusa Order with display_id: XX will be visible in Shiprocket Dashboard either under "New" Tab as XX or under "Pickups" Tab as XX depending on what you choose in "forward_action" plugin option.
5. Cancel the fulfillment in Admin by clicking the three dots > cancel fulfillment. The Shiprocket Order will be marked as "Cancelled" in dashboard. You will be able see this under "ALL" in Shiprocket dashboard.
6. To test returns, place a Medusa Order and create fulfillment in Admin. Cancel it in Shiprocket. Mark it as shipped in Admin. Create a return via a supersecret, currently undocumented Admin Endpoint using Postman by sending POST request to http://localhost:9000/admin/orders/{order_id}/return with the following body data in json -
"quantity": 1,
"price": 0
"note": "An optional note with information about the Return.",
"receive_now": false,
"no_notification": true,
"refund": 0
You will be able to see the Return Order in Shiprocket Dashboard either under "New" Tab as XXR or under "Pickups" Tab as XXR depending on what you choose in "return_action" plugin option.
Currently, creating returns directly from Admin and Storefront is not working as expected. Please see "Known Issues" section below.


Since Medusa requires product variant weight to be expressed in integer (decimals not allowed), it is assumed that your product variant weights are in grams. If you are using any other unit then please change it to grams.
You can specify the length units in mm, cm or inches depending on your preference and update the same in the plugin's "length_unit" option.


1. Copy to clipboardpricing: flat_rate - Use this if you want to charge a fixed shipping rate to your customers at checkout.
2. Copy to clipboardpricing: calculated - Use this if your want to charge the actual shipping rate of the shipping option at checkout.
Don't forget to do the same when you add shipping options to your region in Medusa Admin.


If you want to pass your customer's GSTIN to Shiprocket, please store it in the cart's metadata field as 'gstin'
cart: {
metadata: {
"gstin": "XXXXXXX...",

COD Orders

If the customer has chosen cash on delivery at checkout, you can let Shiprocket know that its a COD by passing the following in the cart's metadata.
cart: {
metadata: {
"isCOD": true,

Quality checks on Return Shipment

If you want the courier to perform quality checks on return shipment at the time of pickup, you can pass the following in your item's metadata depending on the nature of quality check to be performed.
cart: {
qc: {
qc_enable: true, //required
qc_color: 'varchar(255)', //optional
qc_brand: 'varchar(255)', //optional
qc_serial_no: 'varchar(255)', //optional
qc_ean_barcode: 'varchar(255)', //optional
qc_size: 'varchar(255)', //optional
qc_product_name: 'varchar(255)', //optional
qc_product_image: 'varchar(255)', //optional
Note: If there are multiple items, quality check will be performed only on a single item. Which item? Shiprocket won't tell us.

Multiple shipments per order

Due to limitations in Shiprocket's API, it is currently not possible to create multiple split shipments for a single order programmatically. Sellers have to do it manually by enabling the "split shipment" feature in Settings > Shipping Features > Split Shipment and fulfilling the order as described in this video.
To handle this limitation, this plugin lets you choose one of the following options when there are multiple items in your order to be fulfilled -
1. Copy to clipboardmultiple_items: split_shipment
Use this if you want to create a Shiprocket Order using this plugin and then create split shipments manually using Shiprocket's dashboard. The actual weight passed to Shiprocket is the sum of actual weights of all the items in your cart.
2. Copy to clipboardmultiple_items: single_shipment
Use this if you are packing multiple order items in a single shipment. You can pass the overall dimensions and weight of your shipment in the cart's metadata with the following keys-
cart: {
metadata: {
If you don't pass the dimensions, then this plugin will choose the largest item and pass its dimensions to Shiprocket for volumetric weight calculations. If you don't pass the shipment_weight, the actual weight passed to Shiprocket is the sum of actual weights of all the items in your cart.
Most of the time, Shiprocket will use actual weight for rate calculation. However, if the volumetric weight is larger than actual weight, Shiprocket will use volumetric weight for rate calculations.

Forward Action

Determines what action this plugin will perform with Shiprocket when a forward fulfillment is created in Medusa.
1. Copy to clipboardforward_action: create_order
When you click on "Create Fulfillment" > "Complete" button for your order in Medusa Admin, this plugin will create a shiprocket order. The remaining steps of generating multiple split shipments, requesting it's pickup, generating label and manifest will have to be done manually by the seller in Shiprocket's dashboard.
2. Copy to clipboardforward_action: create_fulfillment
When you click on "Create Fulfillment" > "Complete" button for your order in Medusa Admin, this plugin creates a shiprocket order, generate shipment, request pickup and finally generates label and manifest using forward method in Shiprocket's Wrapper API. This returns a response which contains awb_code and all other order, courier and shipment related details. You can view this data in Medusa Admin by expanding the Raw Order > fulfillments > 0 > data
If there are multiple items in your order and if multiple_items is set to Copy to clipboardsplit_shipment and forward_action is Copy to clipboardcreate_fulfillment, this plugin will only create a Shiprocket Order because it is currently not possible to create multiple split shipments via API.
After the product is shipped, you can mark the fulfillment as Copy to clipboardshipped in Medusa Admin.

Return Action

Determines what action this plugin will perform with Shiprocket when a return request is raised via storefront or admin.
1. Copy to clipboardreturn_action: create_order
When the customer or admin raises a return request, this plugin will create a shiprocket return order. The remaining steps of generating multiple split shipments, requesting it's pickup, generating label and manifest will have to be done manually by the seller in Shiprocket's dashboard.
2. Copy to clipboardreturn_action: create_fulfillment
When the customer or admin raises a return request, this plugin creates a shiprocket return order, generate awb and request pickup using return method in Shiprocket's Wrapper API. This returns a response which contains awb_code and all other order, courier and shipment related details. You can view this data in Medusa Admin by expanding the Raw Order > returns > 0 > shipping_data
If there are multiple items in your order and if multiple_items is set to Copy to clipboardsplit_shipment and return_action is Copy to clipboardcreate_fulfillment, this plugin will only create a Shiprocket Return Order because it is currently not possible to create multiple split shipments via API.
After the product is received, you can mark it as Copy to clipboardreceived in Medusa Admin.

Inventory Sync

Copy to clipboardinventory_sync: true - To sync your Medusa inventory with Shiprocket. This requires you to be on a monthly Shiprocket subscription plan.

Custom Functionality

If your business logic requires a different functionality than described as above, you need to modify shiprocket-fulfillment.js in Copy to clipboard/src/services and use the utility functions created in Copy to clipboard/src/utils

Known Issues

1. When a return is requested through Admin, order.return_requested event does not seem to trigger createReturn function in shiprocket-fulfillment.js. This means that return wont be created in shiprocket. Similarly, when a return is cancelled in Admin, it does not trigger cancelFulfillment function in shiprocket-fulfillment.js.
2. When a return is requested through Storefront Endpoint, it throws an error in the server saying "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'items')" even if item array is defined as per the endpoint's requirements.


Don't forget to fund this project when it brings value to your business. Issues, feature requests and PRs are most welcome.

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