A notification service based on strapi mail api
It uses the email-templates npm package and pug for rendering html emails. Documentation for this can be found here:
The folder structure for the template is
12345emailTemplatePath/│└─── templateMap.value/│ index.pug # html body for the mail│ subject.pug # the string subject of mail
You need a Strapi instance as CMS
Available options (default configuration)
123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627{// The baseurl for your strapi serverstrapiUri: STRAPI_URI,fromEmail: "",// an api key from strapi where the email send permission is enabledstrapiApiKey: STRAPI_API_KEY,// this is the path where your email templates are storedemailTemplatePath: "data/emailTemplates",// this maps the folder/template name to a medusajs event to use the right template// only the events that are registered here are subscribed totemplateMap: {// "eventname": "templatename","order.placed": "orderplaced","invite.created": "invitemember",},//optionalsreplyTo:"",//bcc always added to all mailsdefaultBcc:"",//cc always added to all mailsdefaultCc:"",}